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Moving and tax considerations

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Moving and tax considerations:

Moving and tax considerations:

What to watch out for when making your tax return

The costs for a move within Germany can be tax deductible, as long as the move took place for work reasons.

When you move abroad you can also claim back the VAT for new purchases. By moving abroad, you no longer have full tax obligations in Germany, just limited tax obligations for certain sources of income. When making your tax return, money earned abroad plays a certain role, as does the timing of your return to Germany. 

We can provide you with further information on moving and tax issues on request. We recommend that you get professional advice from a tax consultant - before you move abroad! 

Here you can find information about:

  • Assessment of taxes for the year of your departure and the year of your return 

  • Income generated in Germany during your time abroad

  • Income generated abroad during your time in a foreign country

  • How tax progression works

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